Saturday, February 22, 2020

8 Simple Steps to Start blogging on blogger| A beginners guide

Blogger,blogspot,create account,blogger post,blogger themes
Blogging on blogger
Are you new to blogging?  This post is for beginners. Are you want  to start blog on blogger,create an account with blogger or blogspot. Creating account with blogger is totally  free.

Before starting know little about blogger. Blogger or blogspot is a product of Google. Here you can create free account.


Follow these steps to create your free account in

1) Go to
Screen looks like this

How to start blogging on blogger
Create Blogger Account
2) Click on "Create  Your Blog"

3)Use your Gmail and password to login.Gmail is must. If you don't have create a new Gmail account first by visiting

4)After Loging with your Gmail I'd screen look as follows:
How to start blogging on blogger

Fill the Title field,whatever name you want you can give.


Fill the address field with your desired address. This is the main address that people visits with this name. This name takes the format as ""

Try to name which is related to your visitors can easily remember your blog name.For example if you would like start a blog about food recepies then "" or "" is best choice.
So think wisely to while choosing address field.

7) THEME :

Choose your theme.blogger site provides many templates(themes). So select which one you want.

You can change these themes at any time later.even you can find free and premium themes on internet by which your blog design can be changed and make your blog look like professional one.

Finally click on "Create blog" button. Now your blogger account is made.

After blogspot account made, you will be directed to dashboard.
Start a blog on blogger, blogspot
Blogspot Dashboard
How to manage your Blogspot blog?
In above image you can see your blog dashboard here only you have to manage everything related your   blog.

How to write a new article(Post):
In above image you can see a button named "New Post" click on button you are about to go to article editor,where you can type a topic or copy from system and paste in click on "Publish" button. Your first article was published.

Left side all blog managing buttons are available. Such as post, drafts,published posts,Pages,earnings section etc.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

How to be happy in life

How to be happy in life

Is there any strategies to be happy in life?many people at least once in thier life definitely ask themself or to others how to be happy in life?how can be happy always?it's not only a simple question.its really a serious matter that people today searching for searching for happiness...means today we are  struggling in life for what? In this busy life forgotten what is happy?

So before we jump to know how to be happy in our life,we much needed to understand what is happy?

What is happy? happIness?

No...what happiness meant for me is never be meant to you know about human fingure prints?in entire world human finguer prints are different! In the same way each individual have different meanings for happiness.because happiness is a can't be touched,you can not see it.but you can only feel it.So happiness is feeling.Nobody can guess that you are happy or not.its you to know are you happy or not!

So,What are the ways to follow to be happy in life?

There are no any readymade strategies,any constructed ways to happiness, you need to make your own way to happiness,to live happier life.

Already I told it's need to feel you are happy,then only you can live happily.if no feeling then nothing will happen.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Thinking about What is a blog? Here is the answer

What is a blog
Whatis a blog?
A blog is a Normal website that consists one or more informative posts.Posts are nothing but articles published on websites.articles published in websites may be informative.

A Blog=Web+log (entering,typing or logging information,data,stories,personal matters or anything that you want to share with your visitors who visits or comes to your website.its that simple.

So a blog is a website(online spce) where you post,your writings, that is articles that are useful to your website users or readers.

A Blog post is an article containing information or any data related to your personnel or commercial and intensity of article may be to inform something ,to educate or just to entertain  your visitors.

Requirements to start a blog:

In an earlier stage of blogs ,blogging technology was not advanced as of now.only people who have technical knowledge of HTML
and computer programming experts use blogs to post articles.but today technology is very advanced.Now a days a Normal people who even don't know how to on or off computers can also start his own blog.Mosy important requirements to have own blog is self interest.