Monday, November 16, 2015

how to create a company

The first and important thing is you have to create a company in tally.
what is the meaning of 'CREATING COMPANY;?
in tally creating company means,the name of the shop or name of your business,whos account has to mentain.
for ex: if you have you have your shop name as "ALANKARS LTD"then create a company with the name 'ALANKARS LTD".
so how to create company
  • click on tally icon
  • select create  company 
  • use default directory
  • enter name of company ex:ALANKARS LTD.
  • mailing details such as address and contact details.
  • then company details.
thats your company created.

example is here,

 nothing is difficult.
just nme your company and give the details of address and contact numbers.
after that in company details you can select "ONLY ACCOUNTS"or "ACCOUNTS WITH INVENTARY"as your requirement.
then select financial year and books beginning date.then save.
your company is created.